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Dedication results in strong kung fu

Dedication is the key to being a strong martial artist.  Whether you practice kung fu, karate, or any of the other martial arts, devoting time to practice and perfect your art makes all the difference.  It’s the same with anything, really.  Music, math, reading, softball, basketball — ANY activity that you participate in requires practice and dedication.  Only this draws you closer to the goal of becoming better than you currently are.
By |April 7th, 2014|kung fu, martial arts|Comments Off on Dedication results in strong kung fu

Martial Arts is for Those with Non-Team Sports Mentality!

Not into team sports?  Don’t like the “win at all costs” approach?  Then martial arts is for you!  Martial arts provides the physical work-out that team sports provides, but, while the team camaraderie is there,  the competition is only with yourself. Shaolin Studios Portsmouth has classes for individuals ages 4 and up.  Become part of a supportive community of students focused on improving physical skills with both external and internal (self-defined) benchmarks.  Challenge yourself to more!  Come join a class and see how our kung fu training can meet your fitness needs, yet provide practical self-defense skills.  Call us or Come in Today!
By |March 18th, 2014|kung fu, martial arts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Martial Arts is for Those with Non-Team Sports Mentality!

Black Belt Confidence!

Obtaining the rank of Black Belt requires great commitment and dedication, as well as tremendous focus, and lots and lots of practice in the martial arts.  It’s something to be terrifically proud of! But, too much pride can lead to arrogance.  Arrogance often manifests itself in the form of superiority—a feeling of being better than others, and a tendency to “look down” on others.  This is not something a Black Belt should be, or do.  No matter what rank you achieve, “wear” it with a humbleness and humility that will remind you of the journey you have been on, and are still on.  Each step in your journey offers the opportunity to accomplish something positive.  Take the time to experience each step for what it is.  Look for opportunities to be proud of yourself.  “Good” pride brings confidence, and confidence brings its own additional rewards and internal strength. Remember that others are working hard to achieve their goals, and are on their own journey.  For some, that journey will be harder than yours.  For others, not as hard.  Each person experiences life in their own unique way, whether it be a journey to the rank of Black Belt, or something else.  A strong, proud, and confident person respects the journey others are on.
By |February 25th, 2014|kung fu, martial arts|Comments Off on Black Belt Confidence!

Weather Update for 2/13/2014

Portsmouth Shaolin Studios will NOT be open for classes today.  All private lessons will be rescheduled.  Stay safe!
By |February 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weather Update for 2/13/2014

Kung Fu — What does it mean?

Kung Fu – In Chinese, kung fu can be used in contexts completely unrelated to martial arts, and refers colloquially to any individual accomplishment or skill cultivated through long and hard work. Also seen and used as gung fu, the definition as noted in The Shaolin Grandmaster’s Text, (published in 2004  by the Order of Shaolin Ch’an, Beaverton, Oregon), means “something like excellence, skilled activity, or maybe even time/energy.” The confusion of the “k” and “g” resulted from the western linguists translations between Eastern & Western speakers. When Bruce Lee introduced American audiences to his martial art, he both spoke and wrote the American “g”, hence “gung fu”.  More recently, the Chinese Pinyin system revised the transliteration of most words, so you will now frequently see the spellings “gonfu” and “gongfu”. In contrast, wushu is a more precise term for general martial art activities. The term wushu has also become the name for a modern sport similar to gymnastics, involving the performance of adapted Chinese bare-handed and weapons forms judged to a set of contemporary aesthetic criteria for points.  Wushu is a fun and healthful activity, but is not a martial art in the sense of emphasizing self-defense applications and combat effectiveness.
By |February 4th, 2014|kung fu, martial arts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Kung Fu — What does it mean?

Thoughts for the New Year

When seeking your kung fu spirit…..remember:  If life has been good to you, take no more credit for that than you deserve.  If you have been good to others, refuse to seek honor or reward.  Just know in your heart what you have done, and let that be enough.  If you have fallen short, don’t brood — it is past.  Focus on doing better in the future. Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2014.  
By |January 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thoughts for the New Year

Studio Closure

Portsmouth  SDSS is closed today (1/2/2014) due to the weather.  Stay warm and safe!
By |January 2nd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Studio Closure

Studio Closure

Just a reminder to our students….  The Portsmouth Shaolin Studios is closed Monday-Wednesday, December 23-25th.   We will resume regular hours on December 26th, and right on into the New Year (being closed New Year’s Day only).    A Joyous Holiday to All!
By |December 21st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Studio Closure

Portsmouth SDSS OPEN for classes 12/17/13

Even with the predicted snow, we’re here and we’re open for afternoon and evening classes!  If you want to brave the weather, c’mon in for class!
By |December 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Portsmouth SDSS OPEN for classes 12/17/13

Strong Core Muscles = Strong Kung Fu

Developing a strong core is not only great for overall health, but it also develops a powerful foundation for martial arts training.  As Shaolin Studios, we encourage our students to push towards greater strength and accomplishments!
By |December 13th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts|Comments Off on Strong Core Muscles = Strong Kung Fu