Belt Advancements Demonstrate Achievement

Whether you study kung fu, karate, TKD, or some other form of martial arts, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your skill achievement through regularly scheduled belt advancements.  Earning a new belt rank not only solidifies the skills you have been working on, it sets you up for a new level of achievement.  What a great opportunity!
By |July 30th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Belt Advancements Demonstrate Achievement

Tai Chi in the Park

The first Shaolin Studios Weekend Retreat was held in Boston on July 12-14, 2013.   Grandmaster DeMasco taught a kung fu Black Tiger Chi Quong form, and Senior Master Meyer taught a Tai Chi Sword Form.   The weather was perfect for our activity, and we drew several onlookers as we practiced our movements.  There is talk of possibly holding another retreat in March.  Stay tuned for more details….
By |July 15th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts, tai chi|Comments Off on Tai Chi in the Park

Front Room Face Lift

We gave our front room a make-over with new paint, more seating, and re-arranged wall-hangings.  Come in and check us out!  And while you’re here, if you are new to us, ask about our kung fu and martial arts programs and any unadvertised specials we may be running.
By |July 8th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Front Room Face Lift

Kung Fu or Other Martial Art?

Should you study kung fu or some other style of martial arts?  This is a personal question that goes to the heart of values and purpose.  What is your purpose in studying the martial arts?  Is it only for physical fitness?  Then all martial arts will provide that.  Is it for focus?  Again, all martial arts will enhance your ability to focus.  Balance, strength, flexibility?  These characteristics are the essence of all martial arts.  Self Defense?  Some forms of martial arts are better at this than others, but all provide the basics. And, while all martial arts have a spiritual side to them, kung fu originated through a desire to meld mind, spirit, and body into one united being.  Learning the physical aspects of any martial arts takes practice and commitment, but truly understanding the deepest essence of your study, and bringing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects all together, takes a commitment and focus that students spend years pursuing.  May YOUR journey be filled with beautiful discoveries.
By |June 20th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts|Comments Off on Kung Fu or Other Martial Art?

Weekend Retreat Offers Both Kung Fu and Tai Chi

Shaolin Studios is hosting a Weekend Retreat in Boston, beginning Friday, July12th, and ending on Sunday July 14th.   Grandmaster DeMasco will be teaching a Black Tiger Form (Chi Quong), and Sr. Master Meyer will be teaching a Tai Chi Sword form.    All students and their families are invited to participate.  This is a tremendous opportunity, and our first Weekend Retreat offering.   What a terrific way to learn challenging Kung Fu and Tai Chi forms in the same weekend!  Immerse yourself in martial arts!
By |June 10th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts, tai chi|Comments Off on Weekend Retreat Offers Both Kung Fu and Tai Chi

The Difference Between Kung Fu, Karate and Other Martial Arts

The stances and distancing between opponents in kung fu is significantly different from most of the other martial arts.  Kung Fu emphasizes quickly closing the distance between you and your opponent, staying close, and not giving up any distance gained until the opponent has been effectively dealt with.     
By |June 7th, 2013|kung fu, martial arts|Comments Off on The Difference Between Kung Fu, Karate and Other Martial Arts