Tournament Winners!
Portsmouth students took several first place spots in the NH Tournament March 19th in Keene. The competition was between the Portsmouth, Concord, and Keene studios. We also had quite a few 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners. Congratulations to ALL the students who competed. Trophies aside, if fears are conquered and the ring stepped into, the results are a win, pure and simple! We’re proud of all the students who competed.
Kung Fu Panda
Po paid a visit to our annual mid-winter picnic and talent show on March 5th. We had a great turn out–the food was wonderful, and the talent displayed by the students was both awesome and entertaining!
Upcoming Belt Advancement 2/13/2016
Several students are preparing for the next rank advancement. We have students from both the self-defense (belt rank) and traditional animal forms (sash rank) programs attempting. It should be an intense, but fun, afternoon! Good luck to all!
Kung Fu Tournament
Saturday, November 14, 2015: The Keene Steve DeMasco’s Shaolin Studios (SDSS) location is hosting a state tournament, inviting New Hampshire SDSS students to demonstrate their skills in defense techniques, weapons forms, sparring, and fighting forms. Our Portsmouth studio is sending nine students to participate. Check back for results! We think they’ll do awesome!!
Warm up with Kung Fu Workout!
Portsmouth, January 8, 2015
Yes…it’s COLD! But we’re OPEN today and just waiting to warm you up with a good workout! C’mon in!!
Happy 2015!
The Portsmouth studio wishes all a very happy and healthy 2015.
Why not start the New Year with a commitment to yourself? Start your kung fu training now! You’ll feel more energized, become more flexible and strong, and notice significant improvements to your balance…..AND….you’ll learn some really cool stuff!
Santa Billy Bob
“Sensei Billy Bob” is trying to get into the spirit, and be “Santa Billy Bob”. Doesn’t change his expression, though, does it? Maybe he’s hoping our students will show him all their terrific kung fu moves!
QiGong Classes Forming Now
Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) classes with Carl Donaldson (aka The Healthy Crane), are being formed now. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn an ancient and well-tested Chinese energy exercise designed to reduce stress, and increase overall health. Classes are just $15 per one-hour session. Pay as you go, and don’t worry about having to miss an occasional class due to schedule conflicts. You won’t fall behind, as you’ll pick up where you left off from the previous session and continue to experience beneficial results!
Call 603-430-7377 to find out more.
Spirits in the Hallway
More October fun! Spooky Friday is just 2 weeks away!
Grand Weekend Event
Everyone is practicing for the upcoming competition, not to mention looking forward to Grandmaster’s Praying Mantis Form/Techniques clinic. November starts off BIG!