Levels of Black Belt
With the recent advancement of Jason A. to Jr. Black Belt, there have been several questions about the different levels of Black Belt. We thought we’d address them here.
Our system recognizes three levels of Black Belt, grouped by age. One for students aged 12 and under, one for students aged 13-17, and one for students aged 18 and above. The last one…aged 18 and above, is the Shodan level….or full adult Black Belt.
Why the different levels? Well, while all three levels recognize the tremendous commitment of time and effort put in by the student, younger students tend to be more challenged by the techniques and forms required to reach the Shodan Black Belt level. Also, Grandmaster DeMasco expects a certain level of maturity and community commitment by those obtaining their Shodan Rank, and for a variety of reasons, the younger students cannot quite meet those expectations.
Does that diminish the Black Belt that is not specifically Shodan? Absolutely not! Remember, studying the martial arts is an individual journey, and everyone advances based on their own particular transitions along that journey. Each level achieved represents a challenge met and conquered, based on individual abilities. Black Belt, whether it be the full adult one, or at the level particular to the student’s age, still represents a journey traveled by the practitioner. Regardless of the age of that person, the Black Belt commands respect for the continued efforts and commitment put forth.
Is reaching Black Belt the end of the journey? It can be, if the student wishes to go no further. But the reality is, that Black Belt is just the first step to a continued life-long journey of learning. Continuing along that journey may (or may not) […]
Jr. Black Belt!
On October 22, 2016, ten-year-old Jason A. traveled to Concord to test for his Jr. Black Belt test with Master Mark. Interestingly, there were three young students testing, one each from Concord, Portsmouth, and Keene. All represented themselves, and their studios, handsomely. Sifu Cindy and Sifu Jennifer closed the studio a bit early so they could go and watch (and support) Jason in his efforts.
The test was pretty grueling from a physical fitness standpoint. Lots of drills and strength/endurance exercises keeping the youngsters going. The students had to perform their forms and techniques under a variety of situations, and were also required to spar both each other and Sensei Tim (who, if you don’t know him, is very, very tall). Must admit….it was kind of fun to watch that!
Jason did all that was asked of him, maintaining a strong positive attitude throughout, and giving his all when it came to showing technical ability and power. Portsmouth SDSS is very proud of him, and recognizes all the time and effort he has put into his martial arts to come this far. We also recognize his parents and siblings who have contributed their time and support, to give Jason his opportunity to succeed in this activity. We look forward to continuing to work with Jason, adding to his skills!
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Memorial Day Weekend
Just a reminder to all our students, the studio is closed Friday, May 27th through Monday, May 30th. We will resume our regular class schedule on Tuesday the 31st. Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!