A new year already!  Seems like we were just here.  But, with the new year comes new goals.  Don’t like to use the word “resolutions”.  It sounds so—final.  Like the world will end if the resolution is not met.

Goals.  So much more positive.  And easier to not beat yourself up if you don’t get to the final endpoint.  Besides, if you even reach some of the stated goal, you’ve succeeded, right?

So here’s some sage advice.  Set multiple smaller goals that are steps toward the ultimate result you want.  Celebrate each milestone as you reach it.  If you don’t get all the way there, then you still have something to reach for.   If you reach your ultimate goal, pat yourself on the back and….yup, set a new goal!

Doesn’t matter what your goal is.  Financial or other. Big or small.  Work-related, travel-related, weight-related, fitness-related.  All are good places to start.  Just don’t create so many that you immediately become overwhelmed.

Remember, goals should be challenging, but not impossible.  They should be measurable.  They should be tied to something meaningful to you, not someone else.  Focus on one or two.  Not ten or twelve!  You’ve got a whole year!  If you reach the first couple of goals you set, then look at your list and see what else might be worth tackling.  But….make sure you maintain the success of the goals you did meet.  No backsliding!!  Well, at least try not to.  After all, life happens.  Things don’t always go as planned.  Be flexible enough to pick up where you left off if you get sidetracked.  Everything is a work in progress.

Goals.  A great way to start the new year!