Since 2022 is the Year of the Tiger, let’s talk about them. From the Chinese Zodiac/Astrological perspective, those born under this sign are considered strong and fearless. They make great leaders and stand up for what they believe in. They will often take over projects in their eagerness to finish them, thus they may not always be at their best in a team situation. They also not only want to complete the task, but to do it right the first time. Money is not the biggest motivator for a Tiger. But success in a given endeavor is. Very often this will translate into wealth. Surprisingly, the Tiger is a peaceful sign. Provoking one usually requires a good deal of effort.
From a Kung Fu perspective, those who are Tiger practitioners are known for being strong and agile. Their main strategy is to charge and attack directly with brute force to overwhelm an opponent. The Tiger practitioner relies mostly on their arms but will occasionally use low kicks. They target any part of the body, but especially those most vulnerable to tearing techniques. They must be relaxed and capable of speed. Strong stances and the ability to quickly change to another stance is also a characteristic of a Tiger practitioner.
In the animal kingdom, Tigers are one of nature’s most feared predators. Strong, powerful, solitary creatures, they mark their territory and protect it against others. They can reach speeds of up to 40mph. Cubs remain with their mothers for two to three years. Hunting lessons begin around six months of age and by eleven months they are competent hunters. By approximately eighteen months, they are fully independent. Unlike other cats, Tigers can swim and often cool off in lakes and streams in the heat of the day. From our studio viewpoint, we equate Tigers to the virtue of self-control. Maintaining control of our bodies, thoughts, and spoken word is something to strive for every day. It isn’t always easy, but strength of character depends on our ability to maintain self-control.